Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Keeping myself occupied!

Today was just one of those days. If there was a day where everything could go wrong today was that day!!! David keeps telling me the Lord wouldn't give us these hardship if he didn't think we could handle them. Lately I have just felt lost, I don't know if I am coming or going, if I am up or down. We have also been very blessed this week, and I don't feel worthy enough for the many blessing we have received. Most days I just want my mom, or to sit on my dads lap in his chair, as he hugs me and tells me everything will be fine. I don't understand how my oldest sister Chrissy has lived away from my parents for so long, and 6 of those years she lived in Germany, 2 in Utah, and 2 in Oklahoma. She has to be a strong person to be able to do that, because I don't feel very strong right now. The only thing that could make me smile today, was the movement of our little soccer/foot ball player, and that even made me cry, because I don't feel like I am ready for him to come.

So after a lot of crying today and talking to my husband (David works nights for the next couple of days) and dad on the phone, I realized I needed to get my mind off of the stress I am putting on my body and our little soccer/foot ball player. First I really needed to do the dishes, so I did the dishes, then I cleaned up our bedroom area, I then set up little boys cradle That really wasn't relaxing, but it needed to get done. So what I did next is the only thing that some what relaxes me, I went to sewing/crafting. The reason I set up the cradle was so I could make a pad for the bottom of it, I made it out of a box, batting, garbage bag, and a hot glue gun. first I measured the bottom of the cradle so I could cut the box to the right size, then I cut the batting to fit the box then I glued the batting to the box, then I wrapped a garbage bag around it and glued it on to the box as well, I did this just in case there is a blow out of a diaper I don't have to remake the padding again. I then just wrapped fabric around the pad and safety pined it on. And this is what I came up with.

I had some left over batting and I made this little goat because I could, I think it turned out pretty cute.

Now it is 2 am and I should be in bed since I have to wake up at 7 to pick up David from work. I'm sorry for the ranting, I just homesick. I hope my sister will not make me so homesick when she comes down next month. This will be her first time in Arizona, I'm not sure what we will do since I will be a lot bigger and a lot more round and feeling like I am ready to pop, but I really hope we can make some good memories. I hope you all have a great day/week.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Time for another post!!

Well lets see what has been happening in our simple little lives. Not a whole lot, little boy gave mom a scare for a couple of day, he didn't move his 5 to 10 times in an hour like they say he should, so I went and talked to a friend and got some advice. Well the next day he just wouldn't stop moving, it made me so happy! I realized I had been stressing out over some important thing and well unimportant things, which was not helping him at all. I needed to relax and guess what, he has been an active little soccer/football player for the last couple of days now, which also helped me not be so stressed out either.

We have also been very blessed this week! Our Ward family and friends have been pretty awesome. This week we were given a crib, some toys, and another friend offered us a stroller!! So we pretty much have everything now!! Except for the important things like diapers, whips, bottles, and the little things like that. My sister has given me all her little boy cloths, maternity clothes, car seat, and baby swing, my dad made our cradle, I've made blankets up the wahzoo, my mom has made some change pads, blankets, and burp rags. I am going to say we have been blessed more then I feel like we deserve some days. My family has been great with helping us out, like I already said our ward family has been great, and our friends have been too.

I asked David if he wanted to write anything and this is what he said "Hi", and there you have it folk my husband of very few words. Thanks again for commenting last week and we love you all!!!

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Our little Boy!!

Well, We had a doctors appointment on Thursday October 7, we were able to hear his little heart beat again!!! I always love our doctors appointment, it either mean and ultrasound or just hearing the heart beat, which is just as cool!!

We had 78 more days to go until our due date, I'm not sure if I will be ready to for him to come. David can't wait for him to come, he even asks him to come out and play, so he has a friend to play with. I tell David, no he will stay in there a little longer thank you.

So we also had a goal this weekend to pick out our little boys name, so guess what we have a name!!! Our little boy has a name, but you will not know his name until he come out, so it will be a surprise for all of you :D Love you all!!! And Thanks all that read this, I really can't believe how many there are! So leave a message anytime, it makes me feel good when you do :D

Monday, October 4, 2010

Last week with a good friend!

So last Sunday, David and I drove to Mesa to pick up on of my friends from Canada. I felt somewhat bad since she had to sleep on our couch since we don't have a spare room, like we had the first time she came to visit last year. But she said she was okay with our couch.

Monday we walked around our Downtown, which consists of two blocks! Then that night I found a YSA Family Home Evening to go to. Let's just say it is a little awkward to go to a YSA activity with a nice round tummy! But it is lots of fun! I would do it again just for her.

Tuesday we just kind of did nothing until the evening. I found another YSA thing for her to go to, but this time I stayed home and she went with one of our YSA friends. Then when she got home from that we went to a girl's night at one of the lady's in our wards house, it was nice to get to know the new people in our ward and some of the old ones too.

Wednesday we went and got a pedicure and manicure, we then drove around and looked at some of the building in our area, like the house that Pres. Spencer W. Kimball grow up in, it is about two blocks from our house. We then drove to the Gila Valley Temple and walked around there. Then that night we went out for something to eat.

Thursday David didn't have to work, and it happened to be a payday Thursday too, so that meant grocery shopping for our house. After that we came home and hung out and watched a movie and I made pizza! Then David had an appointment to go to so he left. and her and I just hung out until he go home.

Friday we watched Ironman 2, since she had not seen it and David loves it. Then her and I went to one of my friends house so she could put a face to who I talk about, it was nice. Then we all went out for dinner with another set of friends to all of our favourite restaurant, it tasted so good, but so greasy and fattening. We all came home and went to bed since Conference was at 9 am the next morning. But this night I wake up with our little boy trashing around in my tummy, and me not feeling to well. So me and baby boy had a date with Mr. Toilet and the Bathroom floor!!

Saturday I wake up not feeling so hot still, but I woke up at 8:45 got showered and ready and we were sitting in the church by 9:10 to listen to conference. Then we came home and I took a nap and the other two watched a movie, then we went back to church to finish off conference for Saturday. That night David went to priesthood and we went and got Sonic and talked, we then picked up David and had dinner. We all went to bed early again since David had to be up at 3 for work. and my friend had her flight back home, so I drove her back to Mesa to catch her flight, and I got home about an hour before David got off work, just in time for me to make dinner then go pick him up.

That was our week in a nut shell!!! I will say I am not uses to having someone around all the time, I have become accustom to being by myself a lot of the time, but it was good to have some of home around.

Today I bought the stuff to make my temple clothes since I can't fit into my old temple clothes because of our little soccer player, lol, here to hoping it looks good!! Anyways until next time.