Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Time for another post!!

Well lets see what has been happening in our simple little lives. Not a whole lot, little boy gave mom a scare for a couple of day, he didn't move his 5 to 10 times in an hour like they say he should, so I went and talked to a friend and got some advice. Well the next day he just wouldn't stop moving, it made me so happy! I realized I had been stressing out over some important thing and well unimportant things, which was not helping him at all. I needed to relax and guess what, he has been an active little soccer/football player for the last couple of days now, which also helped me not be so stressed out either.

We have also been very blessed this week! Our Ward family and friends have been pretty awesome. This week we were given a crib, some toys, and another friend offered us a stroller!! So we pretty much have everything now!! Except for the important things like diapers, whips, bottles, and the little things like that. My sister has given me all her little boy cloths, maternity clothes, car seat, and baby swing, my dad made our cradle, I've made blankets up the wahzoo, my mom has made some change pads, blankets, and burp rags. I am going to say we have been blessed more then I feel like we deserve some days. My family has been great with helping us out, like I already said our ward family has been great, and our friends have been too.

I asked David if he wanted to write anything and this is what he said "Hi", and there you have it folk my husband of very few words. Thanks again for commenting last week and we love you all!!!

1 comment:

  1. What are you going to use whips for? I love you. Mom
