I then had the opportunity to spend 10 days with the rest of my family creating good memories and always enjoying the shopping. I even got to have a sleep over in the hotel with my youngest nephew, it was so much fun, we went swimming in the hotel swimming pool until 11 pm :D the next day I got him all dress and ready for church, he looks so cute with his little fohawk! I wish my parents could have stayed longer then 4 days, but I was sure glad to see them. David didn't drive up until late Thursday night(March 11, 2010.) The next day David had the opportunity to go shooting with the guys up in the Logan, UT canyon. And I spent the time playing with the kids. All my of nieces and nephews have grown up so fast, I can't believe how fast they are growing. Well in Logan, David and I were able to get family photos done, I got a new pair of shoes to go with the family photos, you will just have to wait to see what they look like:D They are pretty sweet though. The theme for the photos were red, white, and blue... Good thing Canadian colours are white and red :D After photos the Roeckers took us out for dinner (March 12, 2010). The next day David and I went shopping for thing for the house, like picture of the temple, the presidency, Jesus Christ, and Joseph Smith. After shopping we went back to Jake's parents house had dinner and helped clean up around the house. Sunday March 14, 2010 we made our way back down south to David's sisters house arriving at 8 pm, next morning woke up early to hit down town Salt Lake City. We went to temple square and just did some touristy stuff. here is us at the conference centre.
On Monday night after dinner we made our way back home to Arizona. It was nice to come home to a semi- clean house, when we got home we even got David's tools and tool boxes out of our house, I now have a living room again. Other then the stuff that is all over it from unpacking and sorting all the kids cloths my sisters gave me for when, or if we ever have children.
There is just something about hanging out with my side of the family even without my husband that I just can't explain. I just love my family so much, and I miss them all the time, I am pretty sure everyone that reads this blog can understand were I am coming from. You just have this special bond and love at least I do with my family.
I am sorry if I offend anyone of my in-law side of the family when I say that. I'm sorry if I make you feel like you don't matter, you do matter. We are all children of our Loving Heavenly Father and Mother and we just have to remember we are part of a bigger family. I have not meet a lot of my parents-in-laws his, mine, and our family and I am sorry for that!!! Maybe one day I will. I'm sorry I don't show the same kind of love I do for my side of the family, we have always been a close nit family and I just miss them so much. I'm sorry yet again for offending you, I guess I am just a really bad daughter-in-law. I can never seem to do anything right, and I am sorry!!
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